Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Speaker's Ruling and Canada's Engagement with China on Rights

It is my fervent hope that the Government will respond in a forthright way to Mr. Milliken's ruling that he read out in Parliament yesterday.  I have put a lot of my adult life into striving on behalf of Canada to promote democracy in China.   A central theme of this work has been to promote the truth that it is critical that the democratically elected members of the national legislature, the people's representatives, truly be the final arbiters of political decisionmaking.  The system only works through the checks and balances inherent in a genuine separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches.  These ideas are a hard sell in China.  The Chinese Communist Party holds that separation of powers makes the state too weak.  I am often told (usually in a subtle way) that the Canadian system must be a sham, just as their system is because the universal principle is that those in power always accrue it to themselves.  But there are more and more people in China who have come 'round to the idea that genuinely democratic institutions are critical to China's rise as a great and respected nation in the world.  I hope I live to see the day that China's President is elected in a general election.

I sympathize with concerns about protecting Canada's national security through protection of state secrets.  But to be frank about it, speaking as a former employee of Canada's Department of National Defence as well as our Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, almost all of the information that I was bound to keep secret could be safely made public with no damage to Canada's security.  Honesty and openness is always the best policy.  

It does make me wonder if the roles were reversed and the Conservatives were in opposition and not the Government, would we not be hearing some very strong statements in Parliament arguing for the right of Parliament to be given access to those documents in question?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Commons For Aff C'tee to Review Report on R&D May 25 and 27

 It was agreed, — That the Committee meet on Tuesday, May 25 and Thursday, May 27, 2010, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., to consider a draft report on the situation at Rights & Democracy (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development).
The Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development met in camera at 12:05 p.m. this day, in Room 269, West Block, the Chair, Dean Allison, presiding.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

CPAC Re-Broadcasting For Aff Ctee Study of R & D Sunday

Sunday, April 18 at 2PM ET / 11AM PT
House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (April 13, 2010)
The committee continued its study into the situation at Rights and Democracy, the troubled taxpayer-funded human rights agency.Suzanne Trépanier, the widow of former R and D president Rémy Beauregard, was at the committee to defend her late husband's reputation. The Conservatives had tried to block Trépanier from testifying, but backed down after negative publicity. Trépanier wants the government to call a public independent inquiry into the agency.

The committee also heard from former board member Payam Akhavan and from former presidents Ed Broadbent and Warren Allmand.

Sunday, April 18 at 4PM ET / 1PM PT
House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (April 15, 2010)
Gérard Latulippe, the new president of Rights & Democracy, answered questions about the current situation at the organization. The Montreal-based agency has been weighed down by internal problems, resignations of board members, and accusations of political interference from the Harper government.
Latulippe's appointment as president in March of this year was criticized by the federal opposition parties.

Friday, April 09, 2010



布鲁克大学   查尔斯·波顿






这一协议是应阿尔文·汉密尔顿Alvin Hamilton)的要求提出的,当时他是保守党政府John Diefenbaker总理任内的农业部长。对中国的小麦贸易在当时受到了部分人的反对,这些人支持加拿大在英联邦体系内发挥作用,他们认为,印度作为加拿大在英联邦的伙伴,在当时与中国存在剧烈冲突,值此之际,向中国援助粮食会让人觉得,加拿大在中印冲突中支持中国。而且,美国在当时对中国实行了严厉的贸易禁运。因此,汉密尔顿的创议被视为对美加关系的挑战。


197010月,加拿大总理皮埃尔·特鲁多(Trudeau)做出了承认新中国的决定。在回顾缘何做出这一决定时,人们今天也许会提到特鲁多的著名口号:理智胜过情感。蒋介石领导的台湾国民党政府,其所控制的区域,人口仅为中国全部人口的1/60。而北京政府所控制的领土上,其居民则达到了全国人口的59/60,因此,转而与北京政府建立外交关系无疑是理智的。加拿大"注意到"中国关于台湾问题的声明 (takes note of China's claims over Taiwan),并将其纳入备忘录,这构成加拿大在197010月承认中华人民共和国的基础。这一声明,在此后的一些年中,也为相继承认中华人民共和国的许多国家所接受。


同期,中国还在开展文化大革命的思想运动,对美国进行尖锐批判。因此就加拿大和美国密切的文化和经济联系而言,加拿大对中国政府的策略是允许加拿大打中国牌,并宣称其外交政策独立于美国。从加拿大的观点来看,这与特鲁多对古巴的菲德尔·卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro——美国这一时期的敌人——是一样的。这些外交动议可以被视为对加拿大国内紧张情绪的一种反应。当时人们认为,美国技术和资金在全球的传播,将深刻改变他国的经济和政治局势,破坏这些国家的文化精髓和民族认同。加拿大的民族主义者对毛泽东时代中国的观念非常着迷,这种观念使中国面对现代性危机时,既不依附苏联,也不依附美国。加拿大人认为,不论如何,中国所采用的方式,都使中国人更像真正的人。在那个年代里,关于中国文化大革命的真正性质,在加拿大国内存在着误解和一些天真的看法。

Pierre Trudeau's1973年访华具有重要的象征意义,Trudeau与周恩来总理和毛泽东主席会面,他在周恩来总理和刚刚复出的邓小平的陪同下访问中国的名胜古迹。但实质性的成果并不多,只达成了一个领事协定,允许中国公民与加拿大的亲属团聚。总之,在中加建交的头十年间,加拿大在实现在华利益方面没有太大作为。除了小麦贸易以外,其他方面的交流水平都很低。


但在中国采取了改革开放的政策之后,加深两国关系的可能性受到了重视,双方对此都表现出热情。19841月,中国总理赵紫阳成为在加拿大上下两议院的联席会议上发表演讲的首位共产主义领袖。当年10月,赵紫阳在中南海接见魁北克的分裂主义分子Parti Quebecois90分钟,马丁·布赖恩·马尔罗尼(Martin Brian Mulroney)的保守党政府对此感到不快,但这对两国关系并未造成太大影响。
  中加关系在1989年的天安门事件中受到了影响。在建国门外加拿大外交工作人员公寓,子弹穿透了窗户。在北京的加拿大留学生在使馆安营扎寨等待救援。一些加拿大公司在撤出加拿大员工后关闭了他们在北京的办公室,加拿大大使Earl Drake被召回渥太华,接受长期咨询。中国的所有在加的公民被当作难民对待,并被允许在加拿大永久停留,大多数人都选择留在加拿大,一些公派到加拿大深造的中国学者也如此这般,这尤其令北京政府强烈不满。中加建交20周年之际的1990年,机构精简了的加拿大使馆收到渥太华的指示不得举行任何庆祝活动

·克雷蒂安(Jean Chretien)总理在199619982001带领贸易团访问中国,2001年的访问团规模创加拿大历史之最。陪同他前往的,有近600名商业代表、8个省的省长、3个地区的首领


在保守党总理史蒂芬·哈珀上台后,2008年加拿大在中国进口中的份额缓慢升到1.12%。加拿大对华出口所占的比例则创下了2.71%的新高。据加拿大工业部发布的对华双边商贸统计资料,2006年加拿大对华出口总额达到73亿美元,2007年进口达到345亿美元,2008年的进口为101亿美元,出口为426亿美元。这些数字表明加拿大对华贸易额在逐年增加,但中国对加拿大的出口增长幅度更大,现在加拿大对华贸易中的巨额赤字更是达到了41。 问题还在于加拿大的商业文化。这种文化缺乏远见和冲劲,源于政府补贴和扶植计划。加拿大之所以不能抓住中国市场巨大的机会。加拿大商会在谈到其会员时说:许多公司规模很小,不了解世界及中国市场行情,这就使其面临风险。




所以渥太华的下一届政府无论由谁组阁,可能都会继续重视对华关系,这关系到加拿大的根本利益。自由党与保守党、新民主党和其他派别之间的最大区别,就在于人权领域。在与中国交涉人权问题时,自由党主张采取静悄悄的外交方式。劳埃德·阿克斯沃西Lloyd Axworthy)是·克雷蒂安政府任内的加拿大外交部长,他于1997年在北京同中国总理李鹏、外交部长钱其琛进行会谈后,建议双边政府在互信的基础上,就人权问题对话。2006年,加方因认为对话并不能有效促进中国的人权,而推迟了这一对话。比如,加拿大认为,中国没有迹象表明,中国政府要批准12年前,亦即1998年就已签署的《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》。然而,加拿大正在与中国就双方都能接受的、新的人权保障机制进行协商。

200912月,斯蒂芬·哈珀总理对中国进行国事访问,成为自2006年哈珀总理就任后的第19次内阁级对华访问。此行的一个重要成果是协商核准了中国到加拿大的旅游协议,前两任总理Chretien Martin虽曾为此付出努力,但未有结果。

哈珀总理在离华前指出,加拿大在中国已经产生了重要的影响,但同时我们也意识到,这仅仅是开始。” 诚如斯言,到中加建交50周年之际,将会有更多的成就值得共同庆祝!


Thursday, April 08, 2010

Commons For Aff C'tee Study of R&D Mtgs April 13 & 15

3rd Session, 40th Parliament 3e session, 40e législature

Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development Comité permanent des affaires étrangères et du développement international
Meeting No. 9 Séance no 9
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Le mardi 13 avril 2010
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 11 heures à 13 heures
Room 371, West Block Pièce 371, édifice de l'Ouest
(613-992-1192) (613-992-1192)

Orders of the Day Ordre du jour
Situation at Rights & Democracy Situation à Droits et Démocratie
Witnesses Témoins
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 11 heures à 12 heures
As individuals À titre personnel
Payam Akhavan, Professor of International Law at McGill University, and Former Member of the Board of Directors at Rights & Democracy Payam Akhavan, professeur en droit international à l'Université McGill et ancien membre du conseil d'administration à Droits et Démocratie
Suzanne R. Trépanier Suzanne R. Trépanier
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. 12 heures à 13 heures
As individuals À titre personnel
Hon. Ed Broadbent, Former Member of Parliament, and President at Rights & Democracy (1990-1996) L'hon. Ed Broadbent, ancien député et président à Droits et Démocratie (1990-1996)
Hon. Warren Allmand, Former Member of Parliament, and President at Rights & Democracy (1997-2002) L'hon. Warren Allmand, ancien député et président à Droits et Démocratie (1997-2002)
La greffière du Comité
Carmen DePape (613-996-1540)
Clerk of the Committee

3rd Session, 40th Parliament 3e session, 40e législature

Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development Comité permanent des affaires étrangères et du développement international
Meeting No. 10 Séance no 10
Thursday, April 15, 2010 Le jeudi 15 avril 2010
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 11 heures à 13 heures
Room 371, West Block Pièce 371, édifice de l'Ouest
(613-992-1192) (613-992-1192)

Orders of the Day Ordre du jour
Situation at Rights & Democracy Situation à Droits et Démocratie
Witnesses Témoins
Rights & Democracy Droits et Démocratie
Gérard Latulippe, President Gérard Latulippe, président
La greffière du Comité
Carmen DePape (613-996-1540)
Clerk of the Committee
2010/04/08 11:17 a.m. 2010/04/08 11 h 17


Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Full Text of "Shadows in the Cloud" Report on Alleged Chinese Cyber-Spying

The whole thing can be downloaded and printed as a PDF file or simply read on-line at this website.

Later: After reading it through, I am disturbed by the circumstantial evidence of collaborative relationships between Chinese organized criminal gangs and Chinese security agencies.  There is ample precedent for this in the PRC and pre-1949 KMT government.  But I would prefer to believe that the Chinese Communist Party does not stoop this low in pursuing its interests.  I suppose this again affirms the characterization of me evidently in my file with the Chinese Government that I am 不聪明 (not very clever).

Monday, April 05, 2010

It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry

Report in The Guardian this morning that 68 year-old folk-fossil, Bob Dylan has been banned from performing in Beijing and Shanghai:

Bob must be pleased that somebody still regards him as "dangerous" almost 1/2 a century on.  I wonder which of his lyrics the cultural apparachniks of the Chinese Communist Party regard as the most subversive? Songs of social justice evidently frighten those Chinese ex-revolutionaries now.

My letter entitled "A 'dangerous' rock star?" was published in The National Post on April 7, 2010, p. A15: