Saturday, August 27, 2016

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

My Opinion Piece in the Globe and Mail this Morning "Visit to China a tricky one for Trudeau"

Visit to China a tricky one for Trudeau - The Globe and Mail

"This file has never been easy. In the 1970s, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, in extraordinary naiveté, admired the Communist leaders of his time, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, as good and wise rulers dedicated to revolutionary social justice. This as millions of Chinese were being subject to torture in the name of Marxist ideological remoulding, with untold numbers left to die in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.

By the 1990s, Mr. Chrétien reached out to Chinese Premier Li Peng – a key player in the violent suppression of the 1989 Tiananmen Movement – on the basis that economic engagement with the West would lead China to a democratic transition. To this end, he agreed to give tacit consent to China’s human rights violations by a “going-through-themotions” engagement of China on human rights behind closed doors.

Now, our Prime Minister wants to build a new relationship on a palatable moral foundation. Unfortunately for China’s Communist Party under General Secretary Xi Jinping, the democracy and human rights train has left the station and won’t be coming back on his watch."

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

My Interview on Radio Canada International Today "PM’s China visit amid growing concern over canola and South China Sea"

PM’s China visit amid growing concern over canola and South China Sea

“The Chinese government put a lot of stress on personal relations and Justin Trudeau is starting with a considerable advantage because of the legacy of his late father,” Burton says.
Following Justin Trudeau’s visit to China and the G20 Summit, Premier Li Keqiang, China’s second-highest-ranking leader, is scheduled to visit Canada in mid-September, for several days prior to the United Nations meetings in New York City, beginning September 19th."

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Comment on "Mother of pop star dating Vancouver mayor could face death penalty in China for allegedly embezzling $69M"

My heart aches with anger and compassion for the huge number of victims left in awful bad circumstances due to Chinese government cadres-business cronies scam.  But I don't support slanging Wanting Qu for it.  It is a super terrible situation all 'round.
The bottom line is that changes to ensure economic, political and judicial justice and address the systemic issues that inform this kind of large-scale tragedy repeating over and over need to be made in China sooner the better.

Friday, August 05, 2016

My Opinion Piece in the Globe and Mail "The driving force behind Beijing’s moves in the South China Sea"

China’s destabilization of the South China Sea indicates a deeper issue that goes to the fundamentals of the Communist Party People’s Republic régime. At its founding in 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong declared: “Ours will no longer be a nation subject to insult and humiliation. We have stood up!” The flow of this logic is “China’s civilization is ancient and great. China was weakened and is victimized by amoral Western forces. China will rise again and set things to rights.”

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Comment on "For Hong Kong ethnic Chinese, foreign passports offer no protection in China - The Globe and Mail"

For Hong Kong ethnic Chinese, foreign passports offer no protection in China - The Globe and Mail

"Canadian-born Chinese with Hong Kong parents, for example, have been told they are Chinese nationals and not allowed to travel to China on their Canadian passports, but must use a Chinese permit instead. The Diplomat magazine last month reported that Chinese visa authorities are demanding that 'Canadians of Chinese descent apply as Chinese nationals when travelling to China.'”

Comment:  The Government of Canada should be much more proactive in effectively responding to this discrimination against Canadians on ethnic basis and the denial of their right to consular protection.  If China will not respond Canada should retaliate.

Monday, August 01, 2016

British Decision on Nuclear Plant Angers China and France

Mrs. May told Mr. Hollande that her new government wanted to look at the deal again, as any new government would. But since then it has become clear that her main concerns are with the Chinese involvement, and she seemed to be signaling an end to the British willingness to be China’s best Western ally in return for Chinese investment.