This report is very much worth the read:
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Unverifed Claims of Xi Jinping's Canadian Connections (Chinese text)
据国内媒体报道:习近平的姐姐是加拿大人,弟弟是澳 大利亚人,而女儿即将成为美国人。 习近平前妻柯玲玲,是中国外 交官柯华小女儿,结婚三年后离婚,两人没有孩子。柯玲玲现居于英 国。妻子彭丽媛是着名军旅女高音歌唱家,现任解放军总政治部歌舞 团团长。1986年底经赖昌星朋友介绍与习近平相识,1987年 9月1日两人在厦门结婚。女儿习明泽,生于1992年,曾经在杭 州外国语学校读书,2008年汶川大地震时以志愿者的身份前往四 川绵竹的汉旺东汽小学,参与抢救伤者、心理辅导的工作。同年保送 浙江大学,2009年7月,习明泽进入浙江大学外国语学院,20 10年5月前往美国哈佛大学读本科。姐姐齐桥桥(习桥桥)为北京 中民信房地产开发有限公司董事长,姐夫邓家贵为远为房地产开发有 限公司法人代表。他们目前已获加拿大籍。
这份习近平家人的路线图并不全面,还有更多亲戚朋友 生活在美国、加拿大与澳大利亚,但仅仅从这个可以看出,他的很多 近亲与家人都生活在海外,据中办一位老同志透露,这和习近平无关 ,他们兄弟姐妹平时来往不多,他们也从来没有沾习近平的光,都是 靠自己的实力与人脉。他们在国内有这么好的条件,为什么都纷纷出国?而且有些已经拿了国外护照?
这位老同志透露了一段秘密,原来这事与习近平的父亲习 仲勋有关,习仲勋在毛时代被折磨得神经失常是假,其实他一直很清 醒,装疯卖傻只是为了保护自己的家人不受株连。习仲勋后来被平反 后,被委以重任,而他主管广东,和广东华人华侨接触比较多,从他 们那里才真正了解到西方的真实生活,尤其是政治状态与政治制度, 这是习仲勋政治思想转变的关键。从那时起他就要求子女们有机会的 时候都“远走高飞”,他说,报效祖国也可以到国外去,但留在国内 ,说不定就会某一天受到政治迫害,更不用说报效祖国了。但他要求 子女中留一个搞政治的,而且希望是那个最淳朴没有心机的习近平, 他说,在中国这种政治下,别以为有心机就能够成功,张春桥、江青 有心机吧,灭亡得更快。习仲勋自己一直对当局与毛泽东直言不讳, 在政治上从来不参与迫害人,表现得毫无心机,虽然受到了迫害,但 属于最终笑到最后的人。
习仲勋要求子女远离中国,符合他的思想。子女在他的影 响下,一有机会就出国了,唯独习近平留在了国内,但可能是受父亲 影响,习近平也把独生女儿送到哈佛大学读书。据哈佛大学一位叫david的老师向博讯记者透露,习近平的女儿有中国大陆派来的保 镖24小时保护,美国联邦调查局最近也加派人手暗中保护她。一般 来说在校学生无法申请绿卡,但习近平女儿已经有美国的长期驻留签 证,而且随时可以申请加入美国国籍。习近平女儿的成绩不错,空闲 时也上网阅读中文网页,业余爱好是时装与阅读。
这份习近平家人的路线图并不全面,还有更多亲戚朋友 生活在美国、加拿大与澳大利亚,但仅仅从这个可以看出,他的很多 近亲与家人都生活在海外,据中办一位老同志透露,这和习近平无关 ,他们兄弟姐妹平时来往不多,他们也从来没有沾习近平的光,都是 靠自己的实力与人脉。他们在国内有这么好的条件,为什么都纷纷出国?而且有些已经拿了国外护照?
这位老同志透露了一段秘密,原来这事与习近平的父亲习 仲勋有关,习仲勋在毛时代被折磨得神经失常是假,其实他一直很清 醒,装疯卖傻只是为了保护自己的家人不受株连。习仲勋后来被平反 后,被委以重任,而他主管广东,和广东华人华侨接触比较多,从他 们那里才真正了解到西方的真实生活,尤其是政治状态与政治制度, 这是习仲勋政治思想转变的关键。从那时起他就要求子女们有机会的 时候都“远走高飞”,他说,报效祖国也可以到国外去,但留在国内 ,说不定就会某一天受到政治迫害,更不用说报效祖国了。但他要求 子女中留一个搞政治的,而且希望是那个最淳朴没有心机的习近平, 他说,在中国这种政治下,别以为有心机就能够成功,张春桥、江青 有心机吧,灭亡得更快。习仲勋自己一直对当局与毛泽东直言不讳, 在政治上从来不参与迫害人,表现得毫无心机,虽然受到了迫害,但 属于最终笑到最后的人。
习仲勋要求子女远离中国,符合他的思想。子女在他的影 响下,一有机会就出国了,唯独习近平留在了国内,但可能是受父亲 影响,习近平也把独生女儿送到哈佛大学读书。据哈佛大学一位叫david的老师向博讯记者透露,习近平的女儿有中国大陆派来的保 镖24小时保护,美国联邦调查局最近也加派人手暗中保护她。一般 来说在校学生无法申请绿卡,但习近平女儿已经有美国的长期驻留签 证,而且随时可以申请加入美国国籍。习近平女儿的成绩不错,空闲 时也上网阅读中文网页,业余爱好是时装与阅读。
Friday, November 18, 2011
Obama puts China on notice with more muscular Asia policy
Obama said that the U.S. wanted a world "where every nation plays by the rules, where workers' rights are respected, and our businesses can compete on a level playing field; where the intellectual property and new technologies that fuel innovation are protected; and where currencies are market driven so no nation has an unfair advantage."
"Every nation will chart its own course," Obama said. "Yet it is also true that certain rights are universal; among them, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and the freedom of citizens to choose their own leaders."
"Every nation will chart its own course," Obama said. "Yet it is also true that certain rights are universal; among them, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and the freedom of citizens to choose their own leaders."
BBC News - US body to probe China telecom firms on security threat
"The US House intelligence committee said the investigation would look into whether the expansion of these firms in the US posed a security threat.
The committee has named Huawei and ZTE as two of the companies that it is probing."
The committee has named Huawei and ZTE as two of the companies that it is probing."
Thursday, November 17, 2011
CTV News - Tory foreign policy review looks east to China
CTV News - Tory foreign policy review looks east to China
The document points out the obvious need to bolster trade with Asia, and China in particular, sources say. China's fast growing economy has an insatiable need for natural resources to power growth. But that has raised red flags because Chinese investors are state-owned entities, not private companies. Foreign Affairs experts are working to draft a definitive document on the implications of doing business with state-owned enterprises from China, sources say.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Obama to China: Behave like a 'grown up' economy - Business - Mail & Guardian Online
"China shot back that it refused to abide by international economic rules that it had no part in writing.
"First we have to know whose rules we are talking about," Pang Sen, a deputy director-general at China's Foreign Ministry said.
"If the rules are made collectively through agreement and China is a part of it, then China will abide by them. If rules are decided by one or even several countries, China does not have the obligation to abide by that."
"First we have to know whose rules we are talking about," Pang Sen, a deputy director-general at China's Foreign Ministry said.
"If the rules are made collectively through agreement and China is a part of it, then China will abide by them. If rules are decided by one or even several countries, China does not have the obligation to abide by that."
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
China's state corporations' investments in the Canadian energy sector: Sating an Energy-Hungry World | The Agenda
Sating an Energy-Hungry World | The Agenda
I will be on Steve Paikin tonight discussing China's state corporations' investments in the Canadian energy sector:
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Holocaust saviour: How thousands of Jews were saved from death camps by a Chinese diplomat
Feng Shan Ho is one of the great unsung heroes of the 20th century.
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