Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Summary of recent events of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee Study on Canada-China Bilateral Human Rights Dialogue

I spoke to the Committee on April 17 (http://cmte.parl.gc.ca/CMTE/CommitteePublication.aspx?SourceId=235986&Lang=1&PARLSES=392&JNT=0&COM=13185)

They met to consider the report on April 29

May 1st met again and decided to hold two more meetings on the Report to hear from further witnesses

May 27 heard from:
Gregory T. Chin, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Department of Political Science
(worked for China Division of DFAIT and for CIDA in Beijing);
Bernie Michael Frolic, Professor Emeritus, Political Science Department;
Jeremy Paltiel, Professor, Carleton University;
Pitman Potter, Professor of Law and Director of the Institute of Asian Research , Director of Chinese Legal Studies, Centre for Asian Legal Studies, UBC;
Daniel C. Préfontaine, President., International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy

May 29 heard from:
Thomas In-Sing Leung, Professor
Culture Regeneration Research Society;
Rev. Jian Miller Zhuang

May 27 decided that the Committee continue studying the draft report on Afghanistan during the meetings on June 3 and June 5, 2008 and that the Committee continue studying the draft report on Afghanistan during the meeting of June 10, unless they have completed the report and then they will continue studying the draft report on China.
